Get Cash Without Selling
We provide liquidity to shareholders and entrepreneurs of late stage private companies so they can achieve financial goals while retaining ownership and potential upside of their shares. Unlike a loan, our solution does not require a personal guarantee and can provide substantial tax savings – reducing risk and maximizing potential upside.
A Better Way to Achieve Liquidity
You’ve worked hard for your equity – why wait to use it? We provide you with the liquidity you need so that you can realize your financial goals and dreams, while also benefiting from any future share appreciation.

Liquidity with Less Risk
Our financial solutions are structured as non-recourse1 transactions, meaning that only your shares are used as collateral, with no need for a personal guarantee. Compared to a loan or sale of shares, our solution can reduce risk, optimize taxes and maximize potential upside.
Tax Optimization Opportunity

Win-Win-Win Solutions
Liquid Stock is fully independent and institutionally backed. We work closely with you and your advisors to understand your financial needs and design smart capital solutions that provide the liquidity you need while maximizing your equity opportunity.
How does this all work?
Liquid Stock advances you money against your owned shares and no tax is due at this time. This is the Advance Amount.
Interim period
Investment Return accrues annually, no cash owed until the agreement is settled.
Repayment date
At a future liquidity event you repay Liquid Stock based on the terms of your agreement.
After repayment
You keep all or the remaining shares or sell them for cash. You may realize a tax benefit from Liquid Stock’s agreement.
" Liquid stock couldn't have made things any easier
Liquid Stock provides capital to option holders and shareholders to access liquidity, exercise options, pay taxes, diversify, and optimize their tax position, while allowing them to maintain ownership and upside. Liquid Stock aligns your employees with your company by enabling your employees to buy their shares instead of selling them into a tender offer or secondary.
– Jane Doe, Company ABC
Frequently Asked Questions
What does Liquid Stock do?
We offer tailored liquidity solutions for private company option or equity holders that can optimize taxes, reduce risk, and help maximize your net worth. If you need money to exercise your options or money backed by private company shares, we may be able to help.
Can Liquid Stock help me tailor my path to liquidity?
Definitely! We understand there is no one-size fits all. The right solution should be based on your individual circumstances. Our transactions are based on transparency, honesty, mutual understanding, and a proven history of fair dealing.
How experienced is the Liquid Stock team?
As pioneers in the space, Liquid Stock is unmatched in terms of experience with unlocking private company equity. Our partners have 60+ combined years of wealth management, venture capital, and legal experience, providing us with the tools and know-how to simplify any complex financial transaction. Members of our team have worked with shareholders and option holders at Airbnb, DocuSign, Uber, and more.
How does Liquid Stock work if I already hold shares?
We provide liquidity to shareholders using only their shares as collateral, while they maintain ownership and potential upside. This can be helpful for situations where you are unable to sell or are concerned about selling too early.
Are you ready to own your shares?
Our expert liquidity solution can help you take control of your stock options and shares today.
2Liquid Stock does not provide tax or other financial, legal or regulatory advice. Individuals considering a liquidity solution should consult with their investment, tax, and legal advisors. Outcomes to any transaction, including financial and tax outcomes will depend on factors including the timing and value of any liquidity event and the shareholder’s individual circumstances.